' ******************************************************
' 指定ディレクトリでエクスプローラを開く
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbExplorer(TargetPath)
Call Run("Explorer /e," & TargetPath)
End Function
' ******************************************************
' フォームをデスクトップの中央に移動
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbCenterWindow(TargetForm As Form)
With TargetForm
.Move (Screen.Width - .Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - .Height) / 2
End With
End Function
' ************************************************************
' カーソルの砂時計の ON と OFF
' ************************************************************
Public Function lbWaitCursor(TargetForm As Form, bFlg As Boolean)
If bFlg Then
TargetForm.MousePointer = 11
TargetForm.MousePointer = 0
End If
End Function
' ******************************************************
' 文字列の種類をチェック
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbCheckString( _
strTarget As String, _
strGroup As String _
) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim char As String
For i = 1 To Len(strTarget)
char = Mid(strTarget, i, 1)
If InStr(strGroup, char) = 0 Then
lbCheckString = False
Exit Function
End If
lbCheckString = True
End Function
' ******************************************************
' 指定した文字列集合に含まれるかどうかをチェック
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbCheckStringCase( _
strTarget As String, _
strGroup As String, _
bFlg As Boolean _
) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim char
char = Split(strGroup, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(char)
If bFlg Then
If char(i) = strTarget Then
lbCheckStringCase = True
Exit Function
End If
If UCase(char(i)) = UCase(strTarget) Then
lbCheckStringCase = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
lbCheckStringCase = False
End Function
' ******************************************************
' テキストボックス内の文字列を選択する
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbSelectText(txtTarget As TextBox)
txtTarget.SelStart = 0
txtTarget.SelLength = Len(txtTarget.Text)
End Function
' ******************************************************
' MaxLength値より、Textboxを前ゼロ編集する
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbEditZeroText(txtTarget As TextBox)
If txtTarget.MaxLength > 0 Then
txtTarget.Text = Format(txtTarget.Text, String(txtTarget.MaxLength, "0"))
End If
End Function
' ******************************************************
' 日付チェック
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbDateCheck(strData As String) As Long
Dim strWork As String
' 文字数チェック(8文字必須)
strWork = Replace(strData, "/", "")
If Len(strWork) <> 8 Then
lbDateCheck = 1
Exit Function
End If
Dim strYYYY, strMM, strDD As String
strYYYY = Left(strWork, 4)
strMM = Mid(strWork, 5, 2)
strDD = Right(strWork, 2)
' 月のチェック
If Val(strMM) > 12 Or Val(strMM) < 1 Then
lbDateCheck = 2
Exit Function
End If
Dim bError As Boolean
bError = False
' 日のチェック
Select Case Val(strMM)
Case 4
If Val(strDD) > 30 Or Val(strDD) < 1 Then
bError = True
End If
Case 6
If Val(strDD) > 30 Or Val(strDD) < 1 Then
bError = True
End If
Case 9
If Val(strDD) > 30 Or Val(strDD) < 1 Then
bError = True
End If
Case 11
If Val(strDD) > 30 Or Val(strDD) < 1 Then
bError = True
End If
Case 2
If (Val(strYYYY) Mod 4) = 0 Then
If Val(strDD) > 29 Or Val(strDD) < 1 Then
bError = True
End If
If Val(strDD) > 28 Or Val(strDD) < 1 Then
bError = True
End If
End If
Case Else
If Val(strDD) > 31 Or Val(strDD) < 1 Then
bError = True
End If
End Select
If bError Then
lbDateCheck = 3
Exit Function
End If
lbDateCheck = 0
End Function
' ******************************************************
' 文字列をシングルクォーテーションで挟む
' ******************************************************
Public Function Ss(strData As String) As String
Ss = "'" & strData & "'"
End Function
' ******************************************************
' 文字列をダブルクォーテーションで挟む
' ******************************************************
Public Function Dd(strData As String) As String
Dd = """" & strData & """"
End Function
' ******************************************************
' .Tag の n 番目の値を取得する
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbTag(TargetControl As Object, nIdx As Integer) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim aTag
aTag = Split(TargetControl.Tag, ",")
If UBound(aTag) >= 0 Then
If UBound(aTag) >= nIdx - 1 Then
lbTag = aTag(nIdx - 1)
lbTag = ""
End If
lbTag = ""
End If
End Function
' ******************************************************
' フォーム上のクリア対象のコントロールをクリアする
' 対象コントロール
' TextBox,Label,CheckBox,ComboBox
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbClear(TargetForm As Form, nIdx As Integer, TargetCD As String)
Dim nCnt As Integer, i As Integer
Dim strControlName As String
nCnt = TargetForm.Count
For i = 0 To nCnt - 1
strControlName = TypeName(TargetForm(i))
If Not lbCheckStringCase(strControlName, _
"TextBox,Label,CheckBox,ComboBox", False) Then
If lbTag(TargetForm(i), nIdx) = TargetCD Then
Select Case strControlName
Case "TextBox"
TargetForm(i).Text = ""
Case "Label"
TargetForm(i).Caption = ""
Case "CheckBox"
TargetForm(i).Value = 0
Case "ComboBox"
TargetForm(i).ListIndex = -1
End Select
End If
End If
End Function
' ******************************************************
' MaxLength値より、Textboxの入力バイト数オーバをチェック
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbCheckTextMax(txtTarget As TextBox) As Boolean
If txtTarget.MaxLength > 0 Then
If LenB(StrConv(txtTarget.Text, vbFromUnicode)) > txtTarget.MaxLength Then
lbCheckTextMax = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
lbCheckTextMax = True
End Function
' ******************************************************
' フォーム上のオブジェクトの連想配列を作る
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbAllObject(curForm As Form, myDic As Object)
Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim nCnt As Integer, i As Integer
nCnt = curForm.Count
For i = 0 To nCnt - 1
myDic.Add curForm(i).Name, curForm(i)
End Function
' ******************************************************
' 連想配列のキーを格納した配列を取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbGetKeyArray(myDic As Object)
lbGetKeyArray = myDic.Keys
End Function
' ******************************************************
' 連想配列の値を格納した配列を取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function lbGetValueArray(myDic As Object)
lbGetValueArray = myDic.Items
End Function
| |
Dim User As String
Dim Password As String
Dim objAll As Object
' ************************************************************************
' ************************************************************************
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call WshGetNetworkDrives(Grid)
' パスワードをレジストリより取得
User = GetSetting("Connect", "lightbox", "User")
Password = GetSetting("Connect", "lightbox", "password")
' 全てのコントロールを連想配列化
Call lbAllObject(Me, objAll)
Dim KeyValue
' Key 部分の配列を取得
KeyValue = lbGetKeyArray(objAll)
Dim i
Dim strWork
Dim strWork2
Dim strDrive
For i = 0 To objAll.Count - 1
' xxxx_xxxx接続 --> \\xxxx\xxxx 接続
strWork = Replace(objAll(KeyValue(i)).Name, "_", "\")
strWork = Replace(strWork, "接続", " 接続")
strWork = Replace(strWork, "切断", " 切断")
' コントロール名に "切断" と含まれているものを Disable にする
If InStr(KeyValue(i), "切断") <> 0 Then
objAll(KeyValue(i)).Enabled = False
strDrive = ConExist(Grid, "\\" & Replace(strWork, " 切断", ""))
' 既に接続されている場合の処理
If strDrive <> "" Then
objAll(KeyValue(i)).Enabled = True
' 接続ボタンのコントロール名
strWork2 = Replace(objAll(KeyValue(i)).Name, "切断", "接続")
objAll(strWork2).Enabled = False
objAll(strWork2).Tag = strDrive
End If
End If
' ボタンのキャプションをコントロール名より作成
If TypeName(objAll(KeyValue(i))) = "CommandButton" Then
objAll(KeyValue(i)).Caption = "\\" & strWork
End If
End Sub
' ************************************************************************
' ************************************************************************
Public Function ConExist(objGrid As MSHFlexGrid, Target As String)
Dim i
For i = 1 To objGrid.Rows - 1
If objGrid.TextMatrix(i, 2) = Target Then
ConExist = objGrid.TextMatrix(i, 1)
Exit Function
End If
ConExist = ""
End Function
' ************************************************************************
' ************************************************************************
Public Function Connect(objControl As Object)
Dim ControlName As String
Dim UNC As String
ControlName = objControl.Name
UNC = Replace(ControlName, "接続", "")
UNC = Replace(UNC, "_", "\")
UNC = "\\" & UNC
objControl.Tag = FS.FsGetFreeDrive(1)
Call WSH.WshMapNetworkDrive(objControl.Tag, UNC, User, Password)
objControl.Enabled = False
ControlName = Replace(ControlName, "接続", "切断")
objAll(ControlName).Enabled = True
End Function
' ************************************************************************
' ************************************************************************
Public Function DisConnect(objControl As Object)
Dim ControlName As String
Dim UNC As String
ControlName = objControl.Name
ControlName = Replace(ControlName, "切断", "接続")
UNC = Replace(ControlName, "接続", "")
UNC = Replace(UNC, "_", "\")
UNC = "\\" & UNC
If objAll(ControlName).Tag <> "" Then
If vbYes = MsgBox(UNC & " を切断してもよろしいですか?", vbYesNo) Then
Call WSH.WshRemoveNetworkDrive(objAll(ControlName).Tag)
objControl.Enabled = False
objAll(ControlName).Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub sv20_public切断_Click()
Call DisConnect(Me.ActiveControl)
End Sub
Private Sub sv20_public接続_Click()
Call Connect(Me.ActiveControl)
End Sub
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