Function StrDateAdd( strDate, nDay, nType )
Dim strWork
Dim strCheck
Dim nLen
Dim dtDate
' 日付文字列無し
if strDate = "" then
StrDateAdd = ""
Exit Function
end if
' 数値エラー
if not IsNumeric( nDay ) then
StrDateAdd = ""
Exit Function
end if
' 日付を数値のみにしてチェック
strWork = Replace( strDate, "/", "" )
nLen = Len( strWork )
if nLen <> 6 and nLen <> 8 then
StrDateAdd = ""
Exit Function
end if
' 6ケタの場合は8ケタに(2000年代とする)
if nLen = 6 then
strWork = "20" & strWork
end if
' 日付妥当チェック( IsDate は、MM/DD/YYYY )
strCheck = Mid( strWork, 5, 2 ) & "/" & Right( strWork, 2 ) & "/" & Left( strWork, 4 )
if not IsDate( strCheck ) then
StrDateAdd = ""
Exit Function
end if
' 加算の為、フォーマット
strWork = Left( strWork, 4 ) & "/" & Mid( strWork, 5, 2 ) & "/" & Right( strWork, 2 )
' 加算
dtDate = CDate( strWork ) + nDay
' 日付結果が短い場合、長くする(2000年代とする)
if Len( dtDate ) = 8 then
strWork = "20" & dtDate
strWork = dtDate & ""
end if
' タイプ別フォーマット
Select Case nType
Case 0
StrDateAdd = strWork
Case 1
StrDateAdd = Replace( strWork, "/", "" )
Case 2
StrDateAdd = Mid( strWork, 6, 2 ) & "/" & Right( strWork, 2 ) & "/" & Left( strWork, 4 )
Case Else
StrDateAdd = ""
End Select
End Function
For I = 0 to 2
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "20010101", 365, I ) & "<br>"
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "19200101", 365, I ) & "<br>"
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "010101", 365, I ) & "<br>"
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "200101", 365, I ) & "<br><br>"
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "2001/01/01", -365, I ) & "<br>"
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "1920/01/01", -365, I ) & "<br>"
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "01/01/01", -365, I ) & "<br>"
Response.Write StrDateAdd( "20/01/01", -365, I ) & "<br><br>"
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