LboxGrid メソッド (1)


(1) 通常カラムの作成

Me.LboxGrid1.AddColumn("KEY", "キー")
Me.LboxGrid1.AddColumn("VALUE", "タイトル")
Me.LboxGrid1.AddColumn("PATH", "実行パス")

(2) 特殊カラムの作成

Me.LboxGrid1.AddColumn("CHECK", "削除", lightbox.LboxColumnType.LboxColumnType_CheckBox)
Me.LboxGrid1.AddColumn("確認", "参照", lightbox.LboxColumnType.LboxColumnType_Button)
Me.LboxGrid1.AddColumn("リンク", "ジャンプ", lightbox.LboxColumnType.LboxColumnType_Link)


' ******************************************************
' カラム追加
' ******************************************************
Public Sub AddColumn(ByVal strName As String, ByVal strTitle As String)

	Me.Columns.Add(strName, strTitle)

End Sub

' ******************************************************
' カラム追加
' ******************************************************
Public Sub AddColumn(ByVal strName As String, _
ByVal strTitle As String, ByVal nType As lightbox.LboxColumnType)

	Dim nIndex As Integer

	If nType = lightbox.LboxColumnType.LboxColumnType_CheckBox Then
		Dim column As New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
		nIndex = Me.ColumnCount
		Me.Columns(nIndex - 1).HeaderText = strTitle
		Me.Columns(nIndex - 1).Name = strName
	End If
	If nType = lightbox.LboxColumnType.LboxColumnType_Button Then
		Dim column As New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewButtonColumn
		column.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = False
		column.Text = strName
		nIndex = Me.ColumnCount
		Me.Columns(nIndex - 1).HeaderText = strTitle
		Me.Columns(nIndex - 1).Name = strName
	End If

	If nType = lightbox.LboxColumnType.LboxColumnType_Link Then
		Dim column As New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewLinkColumn
		column.UseColumnTextForLinkValue = False
		column.Text = strName
		nIndex = Me.ColumnCount
		Me.Columns(nIndex - 1).HeaderText = strTitle
		Me.Columns(nIndex - 1).Name = strName
	End If

End Sub

↓AddColumn 用列挙型定数

Public Enum LboxColumnType

	LboxColumnType_CheckBox = 1
	LboxColumnType_Button = 2
	LboxColumnType_Link = 3

End Enum


nCurrentRow は、現在行を示す値 ( プロパティ )


' ******************************************************
' 行追加
' ******************************************************
Public Sub AddRow()

	nCurrentRow = Me.Rows.Add(1)

End Sub


現在の各列幅をいったん保存して、自動サイズ調整を OFF にした後サイズを復帰して
幅変更可能なフラグを ON にする

※ データを全てセットし終わってから実行すると良い。


	' ******************************************************
	' 列幅変更可能設定
	' ******************************************************
	Public Sub AllowResizeColumn(ByVal flg As Boolean)

		If flg Then
			Dim width As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Single)
			Dim i As Integer = 0
			For i = 0 To Me.ColumnCount() - 1
				width(i) = Me.Columns(i).Width
			Me.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None
			For i = 0 To Me.ColumnCount() - 1
				Me.Columns(i).Width = width(i)
		End If
		Me.AllowUserToResizeColumns = flg

	End Sub



' ******************************************************
' 行幅変更可能設定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub AllowResizeRow(ByVal flg As Boolean)

	Me.AllowUserToResizeRows = flg

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' 行をすべて削除
' ******************************************************
Public Sub Clear()

	Dim count As Integer = Me.Rows.Count
	Dim i As Integer

	For i = count - 1 To 0 Step -1

End Sub


' ******************************************************
' 行の編集済みフラグクリア
' ******************************************************
Public Sub ClearRowDirty()

	Dim count As Integer = Me.Rows.Count
	Dim i As Integer

	For i = count - 1 To 0 Step -1
		CType(Me.Rows(i), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowDirty = False

End Sub


行フラグは、行毎に実装されているので、SetRowFlg と GetRowFlg を使用してアクセスする


' ******************************************************
' 行の取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function FindNextRow() As Boolean

	FindNextRow = True

	nCurrentRow += 1
	If nCurrentRow + 1 > Me.Rows.Count Then
		nCurrentRow = Me.Rows.Count - 1
		FindNextRow = False
	End If

End Function

' ******************************************************
' 行フラグが一致する行の取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function FindNextRow(ByVal flg As Integer) As Boolean

	FindNextRow = False

	Do While (Me.FindNextRow())
		If Me.GetRowFlg() = flg Then
			FindNextRow = True
			Exit Do
		End If

End Function


Do While (Me.LboxGrid1.FindNextRow())

	MessageBox.Show(CType(Me.LboxGrid1.GetColumnValue("CHECK"), Boolean))



' ******************************************************
' 更新された行の取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function FindNextRowDirty() As Boolean

	FindNextRowDirty = False

	Do While (Me.FindNextRow())
		If Me.GetRowDirty() Then
			FindNextRowDirty = True
			Exit Do
		End If

End Function



' ******************************************************
' カラム数取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetColumnCount() As Integer

	GetColumnCount = Me.ColumnCount()

End Function



' ******************************************************
' ヘッダのテキスト取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetColumnHeaderText(ByVal strName As String) As String

	GetColumnHeaderText = Me.Columns(strName).HeaderText

End Function
Public Function GetColumnHeaderText(ByVal nIndex As Integer) As String

	GetColumnHeaderText = Me.Columns(nIndex).HeaderText

End Function



' ******************************************************
' カラムの番号取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetColumnIndex(ByVal strName As String) As Integer

	GetColumnIndex = Me.Columns(strName).Index

End Function



' ******************************************************
' カラムの名称取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetColumnName(ByVal nIndex As Integer) As String

	GetColumnName = Me.Columns(nIndex).Name

End Function



' ******************************************************
' カラムデータ取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetColumnText(ByVal strName As String) As String

	GetColumnText = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnText(ByVal nCol As Integer) As String

	GetColumnText = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnText(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String) As String

	GetColumnText = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnText(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal nCol As Integer) As String

	GetColumnText = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value

End Function


GetColumnIndex は、FindNextRow で使用する内部行変数の値の取得で、
GetCurrentRowIndex は、GUI で選択されている現在の行


' ******************************************************
' カレント行取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetCurrentRow() As Integer

	GetCurrentRow = nCurrentRow

End Function


Public Function GetCurrentRowIndex() As Integer

	Return Me.CurrentCell.RowIndex

End Function



' ******************************************************
' 行数取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetRowCount() As Integer

	GetRowCount = Me.Rows.Count

End Function



' ******************************************************
' 行フラグ取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetRowFlg() As Integer

	GetRowFlg = CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowType

End Function
Public Function GetRowFlg(ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer

	GetRowFlg = CType(Me.Rows(nIndex), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowType

End Function



' ******************************************************
' カラムを非表示にする
' ******************************************************
Public Sub HideColumn(ByVal nIndex As Integer)

	Me.Columns(nIndex).Visible = False

End Sub
Public Sub HideColumn(ByVal strName As String)

	Me.Columns(strName).Visible = False

End Sub


(1) 親コンテナが Form の場合に、親コンテナにドッキングする

SizeLeft、SizeTop、SizeRight、SizeBottom によって、親コンテナとの距離を調整する

(2) 親コンテナが TabControl の場合に、親コンテナにドッキングする


' ******************************************************
' サイズ調整メソッド
' ******************************************************
Public Sub ParentFit(ByVal TargetForm As System.Windows.Forms.Form)

	Me.Left = _SizeLeft
	Me.Top = _SizeTop
	Me.Width = TargetForm.ClientRectangle.Width - _SizeLeft - _SizeRight
	Me.Height = TargetForm.ClientRectangle.Height - _SizeTop - _SizeBottom

End Sub
Public Sub ParentFit(ByVal TargetForm As System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)

	Me.Left = _SizeLeft
	Me.Top = _SizeTop
	Me.Width = TargetForm.ClientRectangle.Width - _SizeLeft - _SizeRight - 8
	Me.Height = TargetForm.ClientRectangle.Height - _SizeTop - _SizeBottom - 24

End Sub

Private _SizeLeft As Integer = 0
Private _SizeTop As Integer = 0
Private _SizeRight As Integer = 0
Private _SizeBottom As Integer = 0
' ******************************************************
' サイズ調整用位置プロパティ
' ******************************************************
Public Property SizeLeft() As Integer
		Return _SizeLeft
	End Get
	Set(ByVal value As Integer)
		_SizeLeft = value
	End Set
End Property
Public Property SizeRight() As Integer
		Return _SizeRight
	End Get
	Set(ByVal value As Integer)
		_SizeRight = value
	End Set
End Property
Public Property SizeTop() As Integer
		Return _SizeTop
	End Get
	Set(ByVal value As Integer)
		_SizeTop = value
	End Set
End Property
Public Property SizeBottom() As Integer
		Return _SizeBottom
	End Get
	Set(ByVal value As Integer)
		_SizeBottom = value
	End Set
End Property



' ******************************************************
' 初期化
' ******************************************************
Public Sub Reset()


End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラム背景色設定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetColumnBackColor(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal strName As String, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me(strName, nRow).Style.BackColor = Color

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnBackColor(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me(nCol, nRow).Style.BackColor = Color

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnBackColor(ByVal strName As String, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Style.BackColor = Color

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnBackColor(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Style.BackColor = Color

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラム色設定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetColumnColor(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal strName As String, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me(strName, nRow).Style.ForeColor = Color

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnColor(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me(nCol, nRow).Style.ForeColor = Color

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnColor(ByVal strName As String, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Style.ForeColor = Color

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnColor(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal Color As System.Drawing.Color)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Style.ForeColor = Color

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' ヘッダのテキスト変更
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetColumnHeaderText(ByVal strName As String, ByVal strTitle As String)

	Me.Columns(strName).HeaderText = strTitle

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnHeaderText(ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal strTitle As String)

	Me.Columns(nIndex).HeaderText = strTitle

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラムの名称変更
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetColumnName(ByVal strName As String, ByVal strNewName As String)

	Me.Columns(strName).Name = strNewName

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnName(ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal strName As String)

	Me.Columns(nIndex).HeaderText = strName

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラムデータ変更
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetColumnText(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal strName As String, ByVal strText As String)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value = strText

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnText(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal strText As String)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value = strText

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnText(ByVal strName As String, ByVal strText As String)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value = strText

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnText(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal strText As String)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value = strText

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value = value

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラムを表示・非表示
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetColumnVisible(ByVal strName As String, ByVal bFlg As Boolean)

	Me.Columns(strName).Visible = bFlg

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnVisible(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal bFlg As Boolean)

	Me.Columns(nCol).Visible = bFlg

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラム幅変更
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetColumnWidth(ByVal strName As String, ByVal nWidth As Integer)

	Me.Columns(strName).Width = nWidth

End Sub


引数の無い SetCurrentRow は、FindNextRow を使ったループを実行する前に使用します


' ******************************************************
' カレント行設定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetCurrentRow(ByVal nRow As Integer)

	nCurrentRow = nRow

End Sub
Public Sub SetCurrentRow()

	nCurrentRow = -1

End Sub


Do While (Me.LboxGrid1.FindNextRow())

	MessageBox.Show(CType(Me.LboxGrid1.GetColumnValue("CHECK"), Boolean))




' ******************************************************
' 固定列指定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetFixColumn(ByVal nCol As Integer)

	Me.Columns(nCol).Frozen = True

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' 指定カラムにフォーカスを移動にする
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetFocusCell(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String)

	Me.CurrentCell = Me(strName, nRow)

End Sub
Public Sub SetFocusCell(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal nCol As Integer)

	Me.CurrentCell = Me(nCol, nRow)

End Sub
Public Sub SetFocusCell(ByVal strName As String)

	Me.CurrentCell = Me(strName, Me.nCurrentRow)

End Sub
Public Sub SetFocusCell(ByVal nCol As Integer)

	Me.CurrentCell = Me(nCol, Me.nCurrentRow)

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' 行フラグ設定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetRowFlg(ByVal flg As Integer)

	CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowType = flg

End Sub
Public Sub SetRowFlg(ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal flg As Integer)

	CType(Me.Rows(nIndex), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowType = flg

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' 行選択状態の設定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetSelectRow(ByVal nRow As Integer, ByVal flg As Boolean)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Selected = flg

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラムを表示状態にする
' ******************************************************
Public Sub ShowColumn(ByVal nCol As Integer)

	Me.Columns(nCol).Visible = True

End Sub
Public Sub ShowColumn(ByVal strName As String)

	Me.Columns(strName).Visible = True

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' カラムを編集不可にする
' ******************************************************
Public Sub DisableColumnEdit(ByVal nIndex As Integer)

	Me.Columns(nIndex).ReadOnly = True

End Sub
Public Sub DisableColumnEdit(ByVal strName As String)

	Me.Columns(strName).ReadOnly = True

End Sub


' ******************************************************
' カラムを編集可能にする
' ******************************************************
Public Sub EnableColumnEdit(ByVal nIndex As Integer)

	Me.Columns(nIndex).ReadOnly = False

End Sub
Public Sub EnableColumnEdit(ByVal strName As String)

	Me.Columns(strName).ReadOnly = False

End Sub



Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal strName As String) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value, Boolean)

End Function
Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal nCol As Integer) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value, Boolean)

End Function
Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value, Boolean)

End Function
Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal nCol As Integer) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value, Boolean)

End Function



Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Tag

End Function
Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Tag

End Function
Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
   ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Tag

End Function
Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
   ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Tag

End Function



' ******************************************************
' 編集済みフラグ取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetRowDirty() As Boolean

	GetRowDirty = CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowDirty

End Function
Public Function GetRowDirty(ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Boolean

	GetRowDirty = CType(Me.Rows(nIndex), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowDirty

End Function



' ******************************************************
' 行ヘッダ取得
' ******************************************************
Public Function GetRowHeadetText(ByVal nRow As Integer) As String

	Return Me.Rows(nRow).HeaderCell.Value

End Function
Public Function GetRowHeadetText() As String

	Return Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).HeaderCell.Value

End Function



' ******************************************************
' 行フラグが一致する行があるかどうか
' ******************************************************
Public Function IsRowFlg(ByVal flg As Integer) As Boolean

	IsRowFlg = False

	Me.nCurrentRow = -1
	Do While (Me.FindNextRow())
		If Me.GetRowFlg() = flg Then
			IsRowFlg = True
			Exit Do
		End If

End Function



Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Tag = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Tag = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Tag = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Tag = value

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' 編集済みフラグ設定
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetRowDirty(ByVal flg As Boolean)

	CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowDirty = flg

End Sub
Public Sub SetRowDirty(ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal flg As Boolean)

	CType(Me.Rows(nIndex), lightbox.LboxGridRow).rowDirty = flg

End Sub



' ******************************************************
' 行ヘッダ変更
' ******************************************************
Public Sub SetRowHeaderText(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strText As String)

	Me.Rows(nRow).HeaderCell.Value = strText

End Sub
Public Sub SetRowHeaderText(ByVal strText As String)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).HeaderCell.Value = strText

End Sub

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