LboxGrid メソッド (2)



Private bEnterToTab As Boolean

' ******************************************************
' Enter To Tab プロパティ
' ******************************************************
<System.ComponentModel.Description("Enterキーの動作をTABキーと同じにする"), _
System.ComponentModel.Browsable(True), _
System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(False)> _
Public Property isEnterToTab() As Boolean
		Return bEnterToTab
	End Get
	Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
		bEnterToTab = value
	End Set
End Property

' ******************************************************
' Enter To Tab メソッド
' ******************************************************
Public Sub EnterToTab(ByVal flg As Boolean)

	bEnterToTab = flg

End Sub

' ******************************************************
' Enterキーが押されると発生するイベント
' ******************************************************
Public Event EnterKey(ByVal e As lightbox.EnterKeyEventArgs)

' ******************************************************
' Enter To Tab の実際の処理
' ******************************************************
Protected Overrides Function ProcessDialogKey( _
  ByVal keyData As Keys) As Boolean
	If (keyData And Keys.KeyCode) = Keys.Enter Then
		' ******************************************************
		' EnterKeyイベントの処理
		' ******************************************************
		Dim e As New lightbox.EnterKeyEventArgs()
		e.EnterToTab = bEnterToTab
		e.Shift = ((Control.ModifierKeys And Keys.Shift) = Keys.Shift)
		e.Alt = ((Control.ModifierKeys And Keys.Alt) = Keys.Alt)
		e.Control = ((Control.ModifierKeys And Keys.Control) = Keys.Control)
		RaiseEvent EnterKey(e)

		If bEnterToTab Then
			Return Me.ProcessTabKey(keyData)
		End If
	End If
	Return MyBase.ProcessDialogKey(keyData)
End Function

Protected Overrides Function ProcessDataGridViewKey( _
  ByVal e As KeyEventArgs) As Boolean
	If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
		' ******************************************************
		' EnterKeyイベントの処理
		' ******************************************************
		Dim e2 As New lightbox.EnterKeyEventArgs()
		e2.EnterToTab = bEnterToTab
		e2.Shift = e.Shift
		e2.Alt = ((Control.ModifierKeys And Keys.Alt) = Keys.Alt)
		e2.Control = ((Control.ModifierKeys And Keys.Control) = Keys.Control)
		RaiseEvent EnterKey(e2)

		If bEnterToTab Then
			Return Me.ProcessTabKey(e.KeyCode)
		End If
	End If
	Return MyBase.ProcessDataGridViewKey(e)
End Function




' ******************************************************
' 行移動
' nSourceIndex  の行を nIndex の行の前に移動する
' nIndexに -1 を指定すると、行の最後に移動
' ******************************************************
Public Sub MoveRow(ByVal nSourceIndex As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer)

	If nIndex = -1 Then
		nIndex = Me.GetRowCount()
	End If

	Me.Rows.InsertCopy(nSourceIndex, nIndex)

	Dim nTarget As Integer = 0
	If Me.nCurrentRow >= nIndex Then
		nTarget = nSourceIndex + 1
		nTarget = nSourceIndex
	End If

	Dim nCount As Integer = Me.GetColumnCount()
	Dim idx As Integer
	For idx = 0 To nCount - 1
		Me.Rows(nIndex).Cells(idx).Value = Me.Rows(nTarget).Cells(idx).Value
	Me.SetRowFlg(nIndex, Me.GetRowFlg(nTarget))


End Sub

' ******************************************************
' 行移動
' nCurrentRow の行を nIndex の行の前に移動する
' nIndex に -1 を指定すると、行の最後に移動
' ******************************************************
Public Sub MoveRow(ByVal nIndex As Integer)

	Me.MoveRow(Me.nCurrentRow, nIndex)

End Sub




' ******************************************************
' MDBロード
' ******************************************************
Public Function LoadSqlMdb(ByVal Query As String, _
Optional ByVal nMaxCount As Integer = 100) As Boolean

	LoadSqlMdb = True
	Me.DbError = ""

	' 接続文字列
	_ConnectString = _
	  "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
	"Data Source=" & _DbServer & ";"

	' 接続オブジェクト
	Dim myCon As New OleDbConnection()
	myCon.ConnectionString = _ConnectString
	Catch e As Exception
		DbError = e.Message
		LoadSqlMdb = False
		Exit Function
	End Try

	' コマンドブジェクト
	Dim myCommand As New OleDbCommand()
	myCommand.CommandText = Query
	myCommand.Connection = myCon

	' リーダ
	Dim myReader As OleDbDataReader
	myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()

	' 列数
	Dim nCols As Integer = myReader.FieldCount
	Dim idx As Integer
	Dim fldName As String
	Dim fldValue As String
	Dim fldType As System.Type

	' 列作成
	For idx = 0 To nCols - 1
		fldName = myReader.GetName(idx)
		Me.AddColumn(fldName, fldName)

	Dim nRow As Integer = 0
	Do While myReader.Read()
		nRow = nRow + 1
		If nRow > nMaxCount Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		For idx = 0 To nCols - 1
			If Not myReader.IsDBNull(idx) Then
				fldType = myReader.GetFieldType(idx)
				If fldType.Name = "String" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetValue(idx) + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				ElseIf fldType.Name = "Int32" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetInt32(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				ElseIf fldType.Name = "DateTime" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetDateTime(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
					fldValue = myReader.GetValue(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				End If
				Me.SetColumnText(idx, "")
			End If


End Function




' ******************************************************
' ODBCロード
' ******************************************************
Public Function LoadSqlOdbc(ByVal Query As String, _
Optional ByVal nMaxCount As Integer = 100) As Boolean

	LoadSqlOdbc = True
	Me.DbError = ""

	If _DbDriver = "" Then
		' 接続文字列
		_ConnectString = _
		  "DSN=" & _DbServer & ";"

		If _DbDatabase <> "" Then
			_ConnectString &= "DATABASE=" & _DbDatabase & ";"
		End If

		_ConnectString &= _
		  "UID=" & _DbUser & ";" + _
		  "PWD=" & _DbPass & ";"
		' 接続文字列
		_ConnectString = _
		  "Driver={" & _DbDriver & "};" + _
		  "SERVER=" & _DbServer & ";"

		If _DbDatabase <> "" Then
			_ConnectString &= "DATABASE=" & _DbDatabase & ";"
		End If

		_ConnectString &= _
		  "UID=" & _DbUser & ";" + _
		  "PWD=" & _DbPass & ";"
	End If

	' 接続オブジェクト
	Dim myCon As New OdbcConnection()
	myCon.ConnectionString = _ConnectString
	Catch e As Exception
		DbError = e.Message
		LoadSqlOdbc = False
		Exit Function
	End Try

	' コマンドブジェクト
	Dim myCommand As New OdbcCommand()
	myCommand.CommandText = Query
	myCommand.Connection = myCon

	' リーダ
	Dim myReader As OdbcDataReader
	myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()

	' 列数
	Dim nCols As Integer = myReader.FieldCount
	Dim idx As Integer
	Dim fldName As String
	Dim fldValue As String
	Dim fldType As System.Type

	' 列作成
	For idx = 0 To nCols - 1
		fldName = myReader.GetName(idx)
		Me.AddColumn(fldName, fldName)

	Dim nRow As Integer = 0
	Do While myReader.Read()
		nRow = nRow + 1
		If nRow > nMaxCount Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		For idx = 0 To nCols - 1
			If Not myReader.IsDBNull(idx) Then
				fldType = myReader.GetFieldType(idx)
				If fldType.Name = "String" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetValue(idx) + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				ElseIf fldType.Name = "Int32" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetInt32(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				ElseIf fldType.Name = "DateTime" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetDateTime(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
					fldValue = myReader.GetValue(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				End If
				Me.SetColumnText(idx, "")
			End If


End Function




' ******************************************************
' SQLServer ロード
' ******************************************************
Public Function LoadSqlServer(ByVal Query As String, _
Optional ByVal nMaxCount As Integer = 100) As Boolean

	LoadSqlServer = True
	Me.DbError = ""

	' 接続文字列
	_ConnectString = _
	"Data Source=" & _DbServer & ";" + _
	"Initial Catalog=" & _DbDatabase & ";" + _
	"User ID=" & _DbUser & ";" + _
	"Password=" & _DbPass & ";"

	' 接続オブジェクト
	Dim myCon As New SqlConnection()
	myCon.ConnectionString = _ConnectString
	Catch e As Exception
		DbError = e.Message
		LoadSqlServer = False
		Exit Function
	End Try

	' コマンドブジェクト
	Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand()
	myCommand.CommandText = Query
	myCommand.Connection = myCon

	' リーダ
	Dim myReader As SqlDataReader
	myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()

	' 列数
	Dim nCols As Integer = myReader.FieldCount
	Dim idx As Integer
	Dim fldName As String
	Dim fldValue As String
	Dim fldType As System.Type

	' 列作成
	For idx = 0 To nCols - 1
		fldName = myReader.GetName(idx)
		Me.AddColumn(fldName, fldName)

	Dim nRow As Integer = 0
	Do While myReader.Read()
		nRow = nRow + 1
		If nRow > nMaxCount Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		For idx = 0 To nCols - 1
			If Not myReader.IsDBNull(idx) Then
				fldType = myReader.GetFieldType(idx)
				If fldType.Name = "String" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetValue(idx) + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				ElseIf fldType.Name = "Int32" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetInt32(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				ElseIf fldType.Name = "DateTime" Then
					fldValue = myReader.GetDateTime(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
					fldValue = myReader.GetValue(idx).ToString() + ""
					Me.SetColumnText(idx, fldValue)
				End If
				Me.SetColumnText(idx, "")
			End If


End Function


SetColumnValue は、Object 型をセットします
SetColumnTag も、Object 型をセットします


Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnValue(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Tag = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
 ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Tag = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal strName As String, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Tag = value

End Sub
Public Sub SetColumnTag(ByVal nCol As Integer, ByVal value As Object)

	Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Tag = value

End Sub

GetColumnValue は、Object 型を取得します
GetColumnTag も、Object 型を取得します
GetColumnBoolean は、コードに意味を持たす為に、CheckBox 型のセルで使用すると良いでしょう
( GetColumnValue でも OK です )


Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Tag

End Function
Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Tag

End Function
Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
   ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Tag

End Function
Public Function GetColumnTag(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
   ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnTag = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Tag

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnValue(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal nCol As Integer) As Object

	GetColumnValue = Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value

End Function
Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal strName As String) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(strName).Value, Boolean)

End Function
Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal nCol As Integer) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nCurrentRow).Cells(nCol).Value, Boolean)

End Function
Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal strName As String) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(strName).Value, Boolean)

End Function
Public Function GetColumnBoolean(ByVal nRow As Integer, _
  ByVal nCol As Integer) As Boolean

	GetColumnBoolean = CType(Me.Rows(nRow).Cells(nCol).Value, Boolean)

End Function

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