【基本関数】 : baseFunction



REM **********************************************************
REM シングルクォートで囲む
REM **********************************************************
Function Ss( strValue )

	Ss = "'" & strValue & "'"

End Function

REM **********************************************************
REM ダブルクォートで囲む
REM **********************************************************
Function Dd( strValue )

	Dd = """" & strValue & """"

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM 文字列より機械的にフォルダ部分を取得する
REM **********************************************************
Function GetStringDir( strValue )

	Dim aData,I,str

	strValue = Replace( strValue, """", "" )
	aData = Split( strValue, "\" )
	str = ""
	For I = 0 to Ubound( aData ) - 1
		if I <> 0 then
			str = str & "\"
		end if
		str = str & aData(I)

	GetStringDir = str

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM 文字列のバイト計算
REM **********************************************************
function ByteLen( strTarget )

	Dim i,nLen,nRet,strMoji,nAsc

	nRet = 0

	nLen = Len( strTarget )

	For i = 1 to nLen
		nRet = nRet + 2
		strMoji = Mid( strTarget, i, 1 )
		nAsc = Asc( strMoji )
		if &H20 <= nAsc and nAsc <= &H7E then
			nRet = nRet - 1
		end if
		if &HA1 <= nAsc and nAsc <= &HDF then
			nRet = nRet - 1
		end if

	ByteLen = nRet

end function



REM **********************************************************
REM 指定数、指定文字列左側を埋める
REM **********************************************************
Function Lpad( strValue, str, nLen )

	Lpad = Right( String(nLen,str) & strValue, nLen )

End Function
Function LpadB( strValue, str, nLen )

	Dim strWork,nLen2
	strWork = Right( String(nLen,str) & strValue, nLen )
	nLen2 = nLen

	Do While ByteLen( strWork ) > nLen
		nLen2 = nLen2 - 1
		if nLen2 <= 0 then
			Exit Do
		end if
		strWork = Right( String(nLen,str) & strValue, nLen2 )
	LpadB = strWork

End Function

REM **********************************************************
REM 指定数、指定文字列右側を埋める
REM **********************************************************
Function Rpad( strValue, str, nLen )

	Rpad = Left( strValue & String(nLen,str), nLen )

End Function
Function RpadB( strValue, str, nLen )

	Dim strWork,nLen2

	strWork = Left( strValue & String(nLen,str), nLen )
	nLen2 = nLen

	Do While ByteLen( strWork ) > nLen
		nLen2 = nLen2 - 1
		if nLen2 <= 0 then
			Exit Do
		end if
		strWork = Left( strValue & String(nLen,str), nLen2 )
	RpadB = strWork

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM 正規表現のトリム
REM **********************************************************
Function RegTrim( strValue )

	Dim regEx, str

	Set regEx = New RegExp
	regEx.IgnoreCase = True
	regEx.Pattern = "^[ \s]+"
	str = regEx.Replace( strValue, "" )
	regEx.Pattern = "[ \s]+$"
	RegTrim = regEx.Replace( str, "" )

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM Wscript で実行された場合はメッセージを表示して終了
REM **********************************************************
Function WscriptQuit( )

	if ScriptType <> 1 then
		Exit Function
	end if

	Dim str

	str = WScript.FullName
	str = Right( str, 11 )
	str = Ucase( str )
	if str <> "CSCRIPT.EXE" then
		strMessage = "コマンドプロンプトより cscript " & WScript.ScriptFullName
		strMessage = strMessage & " と指定して実行して下さい   " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
		strMessage = strMessage & "( この文字列をクリップボードにコピーしたい場合は"
		strMessage = strMessage & " ctrl+c です )"
		WScript.Echo strMessage
	end if

End Function


REM **********************************************************
REM Wscript で実行された場合は Cscript で実行しなおす
REM **********************************************************
Function Crun( )

	if ScriptType <> 1 then
		Exit Function
	end if

	Dim str

	str = WScript.FullName
	str = Right( str, 11 )
	str = Ucase( str )
	if str <> "CSCRIPT.EXE" then
		str = WScript.ScriptFullName
		strParam = " "
		For I = 0 to Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
			if instr(Wscript.Arguments(I), " ") < 1 then
				strParam = strParam & Wscript.Arguments(I) & " "
				strParam = strParam & Dd(Wscript.Arguments(I)) & " "
			end if
		Call WshShell.Run( "cmd.exe /c cscript.exe " & Dd(str) & strParam & " & pause", 3 )
	end if

End Function
Function Crun2( nCol )

	if ScriptType <> 1 then
		Exit Function
	end if

	Dim str

	str = WScript.FullName
	str = Right( str, 11 )
	str = Ucase( str )
	if str <> "CSCRIPT.EXE" then
		str = WScript.ScriptFullName
		strParam = " "
		For I = 0 to Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
			if instr(Wscript.Arguments(I), " ") < 1 then
				strParam = strParam & Wscript.Arguments(I) & " "
				strParam = strParam & Dd(Wscript.Arguments(I)) & " "
			end if
		Call WshShell.Run( "cmd.exe /c mode con: cols=" _
			& nCol & " & cscript.exe " & Dd(str) & strParam & " & pause", 3 )
	end if

End function



REM **********************************************************
REM ソース内のテキストリソースを取得
REM **********************************************************
Function GetInline( strName )

	GetInline = RegTrim( getResource( strName ) ) & vbCrLf

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM 実行中のスクリプトのタイプ
REM 1:WSH, 2:HTA, 3:ASP, 0:不明
REM **********************************************************
Function ScriptType( )

	Dim nType

	nType = 0

	if IsObject( Wscript ) then
		nType = 1
		if IsObject( window ) then
			nType = 2
			if IsObject( Server ) then
				nType = 3
			end if
		end if
	end if

	ScriptType = nType

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM 文字列を指定して、変数にオブシェクトを作成させる
REM **********************************************************
Function GetObj( strTarget, strObjectName )

	Dim ExecuteString

	ExecuteString = "Dim " & strTarget & " : "
	ExecuteString = ExecuteString & "Set " & strTarget & " = "

	Select Case ScriptType
		Case 1
			ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _
		Case 2
			ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _
		Case 3
			ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _
		Case Else
			ExecuteString = ExecuteString & _
	End Select

	ExecuteString = ExecuteString & Dd( strObjectName ) & ")"

	ExecuteGlobal ExecuteString

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM FileSystemObject の取得
REM ExecuteGlobal で定義されたグローバルな変数は
REM ローカルスコープで即参照できない
REM **********************************************************
Function GetFso( )

	if not IsObject( Fso ) then
		Call GetObj( "Fso", "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
	end if

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM テキストファイル一括取得
REM **********************************************************
Function GetTextFile( strPath )


	Dim objHandle

	on error resume next
	Set objHandle = Fso.OpenTextFile( strPath, 1 )
	if Err.Number <> 0 then
		ErrorMessage = Err.Description
		GetTextFile = ""
		GetTextFile = objHandle.ReadAll
	end if
	on error goto 0

End Function

Function GetTextFileUnicode( strPath )


	Dim objHandle

	on error resume next
	Set objHandle = Fso.OpenTextFile( strPath, 1, , True )
	if Err.Number <> 0 then
		ErrorMessage = Err.Description
		GetTextFile = ""
		GetTextFile = objHandle.ReadAll
	end if
	on error goto 0

End Function



REM **********************************************************
REM テキストファイル一括書き込み
REM **********************************************************
Function PutTextFile( strPath, strValue )


	Dim objHandle

	on error resume next
	Set objHandle = Fso.CreateTextFile( strPath, True )
	if Err.Number <> 0 then
		ErrorMessage = Err.Description
		objHandle.Write( strValue )
	end if
	on error goto 0

End Function

REM **********************************************************
REM テキストファイル一括書き込み( Unicode )
REM **********************************************************
Function PutTextFileUnicode( strPath, strValue )


	Dim objHandle

	on error resume next
	Set objHandle = Fso.CreateTextFile( strPath, True, True )
	if Err.Number <> 0 then
		ErrorMessage = Err.Description
		objHandle.Write( strValue )
	end if
	on error goto 0

End Function

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